Haskell: Monoids

(Edited: 7-05-2021)


Coming from the world of algebra, a monoid is a :

  • semigroup with an identity, which is a:
    • magma with associativity, which is a:
      • closed set, with a binary operation which is closed under it

So what?

Well believe it or not, Haskell defines a Monoid as a Typeclass, that lets you do funky stuff. Great!

Let’s have a go and demonstrate these funky useful stuff.

Use case

Say we have a parser that takes a list or stream of numbers and checks if any of them are any of the following:

1) odd

2) divisible by 4

3) divisible by 6

… (you can carry on imagining adding rules here)

First Solution

The first solution would be pretty straight forward:

s1 = [2,4,5,7,5,3] -- this one checks
s2 = [1,1,1,1,1,1] -- this one doesn't

check :: [Int] -> Bool
check []      = False
check (x:xs)  =  odd x  || x `mod` 4 == 0 || x 'mod 6 == 0 || check xs

That’s all nice and tidy, but say you wanted to add another test - it can be a bit annoying to chain another || test x to the previous expression. So what else can we do?

Second Solution

Well, we can make an observation that all the functions:

1) are of the type Int -> Bool,

2) we have a list of [Int],

3) our type is check :: [Int] -> Bool.

So in essence we need a way to take a list of [Int->Bool] tests, and map them to [Int]. Then we flatten the list, and repeat until we get to the end of the list of [Int] or we get True after we flatten.

check' :: [Int] -> Bool
check' []      = False
check' (x:xs)  = foldl1 (||) ( map ($x) tests) || check' xs
    tests = [ t1, t2, t3 ]
    t1 = odd
    t2 = \x -> x `mod` 4 == 0
    t3 = \x -> x `mod` 6 == 0

And realistically, even this form, if we look at the recursivity of check' we can improve by observing that check' is very much a map.

check'' :: [Int] -> Bool
check'' = foldr1 (||) . map (\x -> foldl1 (||) ( map ($x) tests))
    tests = [ t1, t2, t3 ]
    t1    = odd
    t2    = \x -> x `mod` 4 == 0
    t3    = \x -> x `mod` 6 == 0

Ok, I know what you are thinking, that might not be the nicest section ever, but Haskell allows us to make it nicer by taking that aux function and declaring it as such:

check'' :: [Int] -> Bool
check'' = foldr1 (||) . map aux
    aux x = foldl1 (||) (map ($x) tests)
    tests = [ t1, t2, t3 ]
    t1    = odd
    t2    = \x -> x `mod` 4 == 0
    t3    = \x -> x `mod` 6 == 0

Option 3

Ok so we’ve done it in a more flexible way, but where does the Monoid come into play. Well if we remember the properties from the introduction and we have a look in ghci at the :info Monoid we find out a few things. From Semigroup typeclass we get:

  1. We have a function mappend that has the type signature Semigroup a => a -> a -> a. So what this does is takes two elements, applies the monoids operation and returns the result.

  2. We have this other function mconcat with the signature Semigroup a => [a] -> a. This one takes a list of elements and flattens it with the binary operation.

  3. We find out that [a] (so any list) is a monoid.

  4. We find out about the existence of All and Any two Monoids. When we look at their info: All and info: Any we find out that they are a newtype Any = Any {getAny :: Bool}. Nice!

So let’s try and get these to work for us.

Let’s start by defining our tests as higher order monoids first:

newtype Tester a = Tester {getTest :: a -> Any}
instance Semigroup (Tester a) where
  f1 <> f2 = Tester $ \x -> (getTest f1) x <> (getTest f2) x

instance Monoid (Tester a) where
  mempty = Tester (\x -> Any False)

Awesome, the type checks (that’s a good hint that the rules might be good) and we can also see that the Monoid laws hold(left as an exercise for the reader). Also by using the Monoid Any in the type signature we know we can further flatten it. So our function now becomes a lot clearer/cleaner, and nicer:

check''' :: [Int] -> Bool
check'''   =  getAny . mconcat . map aTests
    aTests = mconcat $ map (getTest . Tester) lstT
    lstT  :: [(Int -> Any)]
    lstT   = [t1,t2,t3]
    t1     = \x -> Any $ odd x
    t2     = \x -> Any $ x `mod` 4 == 0
    t3     = \x -> Any $ x `mod` 6 == 0

And now let’s transform those tests into sections, as they read nicer:

check'''' :: [Int] -> Bool
check''''  =  getAny . mconcat . map aTests
    aTests = mconcat $ map (getTest . Tester) lstT
    lstT  :: [(Int -> Any)]
    lstT   = [t1,t2,t3]
    t1     = Any . odd 
    t2     = Any . (==0) . flip mod 4 
    t3     = Any . (==0) . flip mod 6 

And as suggested here (thank you for the suggestions) we can further neaten it up by using the infix notation for mod together with partial application:

check  :: [Int] -> Bool
check = getAny . mconcat . map aTests
    aTests = mconcat $ map (getTest . Tester) lstT
    lstT  :: [(Int -> Any)]
    lstT   = [t1,t2,t3]
    t1     = Any . odd 
    t2     = Any . (==0) . (`mod` 4)
    t3     = Any . (==0) . (`mod` 6)

We can extend this type of manipulation to most monoids, and internalising the rules and general capabilities can lead to pretty awesome solutions, and applications.

Further Reading

Roger out!