Haskell: Either.


Either is the Prelude provided type that allows us to work with functions that can return either one result or another. It does this by providing two constructors:

> -- | remember this as it will come in handy later
> import Control.Monad (join)

> -- | Ignore the ' as they are there to not clash with the Prelude Either.
> data Either' e a
>   = Left'  e  -- ^ Left allows us to return an error, or short circuit.
>   | Right' a -- ^ Right allows us to return the result

For example say we were implementing a (safe) function for division - we could do it like this:

> division :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
> division a b 
>     | b == 0    = Left "Sorry, cannot divide by 0."
>     | otherwise = Right $ a `div` b

Now if we wanted to use the result we could pattern match:

> calculate :: IO ()
> calculate = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     x <- pure $ division n y
>     case x of
>       Right x' -> print x'
>       Left e   -> print $ "Oh no:" ++ e

A better way to use either

OK so that’s pretty good already. We have managed to create a pure function that takes our sum type, and can handle errors. But Either actually gives us a neat function to tidy up that pattern match into a simpler pattern. I am talking here about either (which is indeed very similar to Maybe’s maybe).

> calculate2 :: IO ()
> calculate2 = do 
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     x <- pure $ division n y
>     either leftFn rightFn x
>       where
>         leftFn = print . ("Oh no: " ++)
>         rightFn = print
>  -- or inlined it would look like this 
> calculate2' :: IO ()
> calculate2' = do 
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     x <- pure $ division n y
>     either (print . ("Oh no: " ++)) print x

Where the first function will be applied to the Left and the second to the Right.

The Applicative nature of Either

Say we wanted to check if the result is odd. The Functor nature of Either allows us to access the Right side with the use of <$> (fmap - see the previous article).

> calculate4 :: IO ()
> calculate4 = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     either print print $ odd <$> division n y 

So what happened here is that we fmaped the result of the division with odd. This is the equivalent of the Applicative:

> calculate4' :: IO ()
> calculate4' = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     either print print $ pure odd <*> division n y 

The great thing about it is that now we can essentially chain functions by using this new lifting functions pattern, while still maintaining the safe way of working with Either.

> calculate4'' :: IO ()
> calculate4'' = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     either print print $ pure oddDisplay <*> (pure odd <*> division n y)
>       where
>         oddDisplay x = if x then "Is Odd!" else "Is not Odd" 

Of course this could also be refactored to

> calculate4''' :: IO ()
> calculate4''' = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     either print print $  pure (oddDisplay.odd) <*> division n y
>       where
>         oddDisplay x = if x then "Is Odd!" else "Is not Odd" 

Further use of Either

Okay, but what if we wanted to chain two Eithers? Well a basic way of doing it would be again by pattern matching.

> calculate3 :: IO ()
> calculate3 = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide the result by: "
>     z <- readLn :: IO Int
>     x <- pure $ division n y
>     case x of
>       Left e   -> print $ "Oh no:" ++ e
>       Right x' -> case division x' z of
>         Left e   -> print $ "Oh no:" ++ e
>         Right z' -> print z'

But this is a bit weird, because we are repeating ourselves, and we are also writing a lot of boilerplate code for something which in essence could be done a lot easier. Here comes the Applicative again.

> calculate3' :: IO ()
> calculate3' = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide the result by: "
>     z <- readLn :: IO Int
>     either print print $ divide n y z
>       where
>         divide :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Either String Int
>         divide x y z = flat $ division <$> (division x y) <*> pure z
>         flat :: Either a (Either a b) -> Either a b
>         flat = either Left id 

Observe how we had to flatten the result. That’s a nifty trick that allows you to chain calculations with Either. Also observe how we had to lift z into an Either to allow us to <*> into the partially applied division. (If this doesn’t make much sense, try and write it from scratch and use the compiler to guide you through the above). Interesting thing about this flat is that it actually is a Monadic property - that is it exists in Control.Monad as join - and in essence it takes two nested monads and flattens them into one. Refactoring:

> calculate3'' :: IO ()
> calculate3'' = do
>     let n = 40
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide " ++ show n ++  " by: "
>     y <- readLn :: IO Int
>     putStrLn $ "Please enter a number to divide the result by: "
>     z <- readLn :: IO Int
>     either print print $ divide n y z
>       where
>         divide :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Either String Int
>         divide x y z = join $ division <$> (division x y) <*> pure z

The Monad Instance

A last thing worth mentioning is that Either is Monadic as well. How do we leverage this? Let’s look at another example.

> calculate5 :: Int -> Either String Int
> calculate5 n = do
>     x <- n `divide` 2
>     x `divide` 2
>       where 
>         divide :: Int -> Int  -> Either String Int
>         divide _ 0 = Left "Can't divide by 0"
>         divide x y = pure $ div x y 

What we’re doing here is leveraging do notation to use Either’s Monadic structure and bind the result of the computation to a temporary x which gets divided again - all while maintaining the purity of the function. If we were to call calculate5 0 we would get the Left instance while any other call would return our Right result.


That’s it for now, hope you enjoyed it. Do you have any other nifty Applicative tricks. Message me on Twitter.

Until next time!